What You Should Know Before Getting a Thai Massage.

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Thai Massage also known as traditional massage is one of the therapeutic massage forms in which the recipient lies flat on a mat or mattress on the floor and the masseur squeezes, kneads and presses the body to stimulate the internal organs and increase muscle flexibility.

Therapists use their hands, thumbs, elbows, forearms, or even the soles of their feet to massage the muscles. And involve more body movement than other types of massage where the client lies flat.

Thai massage is unique and different from Western massages because it combines massage. And yoga-like stretching postures that focus on slowly stretching the body along the energy lines, or the Ten Main Lines.

Thai massage can be divid into many types, depending on which method is use. If we want to divide it easily. It is divid by its properties, which can be divid into 3 main types as follows:

  • Therapeutic massage  focuses on relieving various pain conditions such as back pain, neck pain, muscle pain, frozen shoulder, ทางเข้า ufabet, and stiff knees.
  • Rehabilitation massage  is a massage that rehabilitates the body of patients, such as those with hemiplegia, paralysis, and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Health massage  is a massage that everyone can do, including the elderly. It stimulates the body’s systems to relax, increases blood circulation, and helps you sleep better.

However, some places may divide the massage process into 2 types: massage with tendon gripping and using only fingers to massage and press points.

Thai massage does not use oil and has different massage techniques from Swedish massage which focuses on deep muscle massage. Thai massage therapists use thumbs, elbows, knees and feet to help press, knead, squeeze, bend and stretch all parts of the body. For those who experience unwant symptoms after a massage. Such as physical pain or fever, these symptoms may be cause by applying too much pressure.