Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining eyesight. It will help you see in low light. Including helping reduce acne. Helps strengthen the functioning of the immune system. Helps reduce the risk of infection. It also has antioxidant properties that help reduce the risk of developing serious or chronic diseases, especially cancer.
Foods that are high in vitamin A Usually they are vegetables and fruits that are yellow or orange. Such as pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, ripe papaya or ripe mango. Including those found from animals such as egg yolks or animal livers, the average person in adulthood should receive approximately 700–900 micrograms per day to meet the body’s needs UFABET
Benefits of Vitamin B.
There are many types of vitamin B such as B1, B2, n B9 or folic acid and B12. Each type of vitamin B has different benefits in maintaining health. But most of them play an important role in the body’s growth process. By creating energy for the body and also
B vitamins can be found in a variety of foods. It is often found in animal proteins such as meat or eggs, green leafy vegetables , and cereals. The amount of each type that the body needs varies. For example, the average adult person should receive or folic acid. Approximately 400 micrograms per day. Those who are pregnant should receive approximately 600 micrograms of vitamin B9 or folic acid per day.