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How does alcohol affect the heart, blood vessels, and body?

Alcohol in drinks is Ethyl alcohol or Ethanol. It is a substance obtained by processing through distillation and fermentation from rice, wheat, barley or fruit. The degree or concentration in drinks Each type is different. The concentration in beer  is about 5%, wine is about 12%, and

Brown rice reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Brown rice reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Prevention of type 2 diabetes may be achieved by controlling body weight. Exercise regularly Including eating nutritious food. Many people are interested and believe that eating brown rice is beneficial to people with diabetes. From the study and

5 menus for pregnant people, delicious food

Mothers during pregnant naturally have a craving for spicy food, right? Today we have a menu that mothers can cook and still adjust the taste to suit their tastes well. Let’s see what’s on the menu. 1. Papaya salad, fried fish,fresh lotus leaves, cleaned well, mixed with papaya salad

5 fruits to help you sleep easily Free both beautiful skin.

Every time insomnia occurs Often negatively affecting the body is inevitable. Especially doing activities during the day is not very effective. It also affects the mood as well. So if the girls have trouble sleeping. Today we will invite you to solve the symptoms by eating 5 types of fruits that help you

Health benefits of carrots.

Who can resist delicious, crunchy carrots? Packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. No wonder this veggie is a fan favorite. With only 41 calories in 1/2 cup, this delicious food is packed with health benefits. Some of these include: They’re a great source of vitamin A. About ½ cup of

How to care for the wound? Does not cause scars on the skin.

I believe that many young women still have questions about what causes scars to occur. And what causes scars after the body has received various accidents? Scars are a part of the body’s natural skin healing process. This is when the skin is damaged. The body will create new

5 skin problems that come during the rainy season

It’s rainy season. What girls often worry about besides the flu is skin problems that occur during the rainy season. Today we have gathered together 5 skin problems that come during the rainy season. Along with sharing ways to prevent each problem. Let’s see what risks girls face

oily face man with ways to reduce oily facial skin problems

Men with oily facial skin problems They are considered to be two things that are difficult to separate. Because of the behavior and activities of young men Often results in the body sweating easily. It can also make your face oily, for any young man who faces problems with oily

5 ways to get rid of acne on the back

Who says acne is a problem on the back? It is a concern only in women of one gender. acne on the back problems that occur on men ‘s backs are equally distressing and annoying. It’s not just insecurity. But it often causes pain and annoyance with skin that doesn’t look smooth.